What we did!

This is the blog of our 12th Trip to the U.S.A.
On this trip we arrived in March and spent a week with our friends Connie NA Jim at their Bluegrass Party, in Florida.
We then flew to Phoenix, where we collected our rig and then explored Southern Arizona, from the cowboy city of Tombstone in the East, to the desert City of Yuma in the West.
Travelling north along the course of the Colorado river we visited the London Bridge at Lake Havasu before exploring the Mojave Desert, including some more of Rout 66 and Calico Ghost Town.
Moving North West through California we shared in the CBA Bluegrass Campout in Turlock, before visiting Bodega Bay to follow The Birds. After sampling the delights of the Napa Valley we joined in The Fiddle Convention at Cloverdale before storing our rig and returning home after seeing some friends in San Leandro, near San Francisco.
This blog gives a day to day record of many of the things we did on this trip.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 3rd - Playing In The Sand

Determined to have a quiet day we took a short ride to look at the local desert. This is the largest expanse of Sand Dunes in North America, known as the North American Sahara. We only got to the South East corner of this 30 mile stretch of sand dunes, but it was enough to see how amazing the landscape is. We sat for a bit, I went for a walk up a dune to see the view, with the temperature now over 100 degs F in the shade (oh! there is none) it was not a long walk. Then as we sat a guy came up and offered us a ride on his Dune Buggy, well that was a great idea (of course he wanted payment for it) so, Sally went first, donning the crash helmet and thoroughly enjoying herself, she went speeding off over the dunes with Dennis the Dune Buggy Driver. Only to return sometime later still with a big grin, having enjoyed it all the way. Now it was my turn and after putting on the helmet we sped off into the desert, like a modern day Lawrence of Arabia, nothing around us but sand, sand and more sand. Riding up impossible slopes, looking at the sky beneath us as we drove over crests, then hurtling down  (what seemed) vertical cliff faces al made for a very enjoyable ride. At one point we stopped in the midst of …. Nowhere! Dennis pointed to a dune and told me that was the spot where they filmed scenes from Return of the Jedhi. There was actually a small gravel patch which had been imported for some reason for the film (to create a stable platform for filming from?). We then rolled over the dunes some more before returning to Sally, the van and safety. We both agreed that this was real serendipity – unexpected good things. We both really enjoyed our trip in the desert. Following this we drove back to Yuma and had our lunch at the small Gateway Park, which is a public beach next to the Colorado River and Yuma State Prison (now closed), right next to the place where trains first entered California in 18 something.

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